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Care of flowers

Some want to stand bright, others dark and cool. Our flowers come from different climates and thus have different requirements for how they want to be cared for. Learn more about how to care for your flowers so they stay beautiful for a long time.

How do I water my plants correctly?

Watering plants depends on the type of plant and individual needs. In general, it's best to water plants when the soil starts to dry out, but avoid letting the soil become completely dry. It is recommended to water the plants evenly and thoroughly so that the water reaches the roots. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to rotten roots. Each plant may have specific watering needs, so it's best to research and learn about the specific plant you're caring for.

How can I give my plants enough light?

Plants need sufficient light to thrive. Place your plants in areas where they can get the appropriate amount of light depending on their needs. Some plants need direct sunlight, while others prefer more indirect light. You can adjust the position of your plants or use curtains or shaders to regulate the amount of light they receive. If you have plants indoors, you may also want to consider supplementing with artificial light such as plant lights or grow lamps to ensure they get adequate lighting

How do I prune my plants?

Pruning plants is an important part of their care. Generally speaking, you can remove dead, withered, or damaged branches and leaves by cutting them close to the trunk. You can also prune to shape the plant or stimulate new growth. Use clean and sharp pruning shears or pruning tools to avoid damaging the plant. It is best to learn about specific pruning methods and times for the plant you have, as different plants may have different requirements and needs.

How can I prevent and manage pests on my plants?

Prevention and management of pests on plants may include several methods. To prevent pest infestation, keep your plants healthy and strong by providing them with appropriate light, water, and nutrients. Regularly inspect your plants for signs of pests and act quickly if you notice anything. You can try methods such as removing pests manually, using insect soap or insecticides, or attracting natural enemies of the pests. If the problem is serious, you can seek advice from a gardener or plant specialist for specific solutions.